Parallel Python
import re
import sys

from functools import reduce
from pathlib import Path
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor

def count_words(file):
    Count the number of times every word in `file` occurs.

        file (Path): the file to count the words in

        dict: a mapping of word to count

    all_words = {}

    text = file.read_text()
    words = text.split()

    for word in words:
        #lowercase the word and remove all
        #characters that are not [a-z] or hyphen
        word = word.lower()
        match ="([a-z\-]+)", word)

        if match:
            word = match.groups()[0]

            if word in all_words:
                all_words[word] += 1
                all_words[word] = 1

    return all_words

def reduce_dicts(dict1, dict2):
    Combine (reduce) the passed two dictionaries to return
    a dictionary that contains the keys of both, where the
    values are equal to the sum of values for each key

    # explicitly copy the dictionary, as otherwise
    # we risk modifying 'dict1'
    combined = {}

    for key in dict1:
        combined[key] = dict1[key]

    for key in dict2:
        if key in combined:
            combined[key] += dict2[key]
            combined[key] = dict2[key]

    return combined

if __name__ == "__main__":
    files = sorted(Path("shakespeare").glob("*"))

    with ProcessPoolExecutor() as pool:
        results =, files)

    words = reduce(reduce_dicts, results)

    for key in sorted(words.keys()):
        if words[key] > 2000:
            print(f"{key} == {words[key]}")
python shakespeare
a == 10737
all == 2687
and == 17573
are == 2530
as == 4097
be == 4859
but == 4505
by == 2584
do == 2944
for == 5395
good == 2075
have == 4425
he == 5005
her == 3249
him == 3829
his == 4419
i == 16856
if == 2598
in == 7624
is == 6851
it == 5894
lord == 2071
me == 5674
my == 8380
no == 2784
not == 6323
o == 2316
of == 11332
on == 2204
shall == 2441
she == 2155
sir == 2527
so == 3574
that == 8006
the == 19443
thee == 2196
this == 4627
thou == 3719
thy == 2465
to == 13615
we == 2497
what == 3608
will == 3634
with == 5280
you == 11108
your == 4832