Intermediate Python

Classes and objects

You're perhaps starting to see a theme in this workshop so far. By introducing functions and then modules we're creating reusable units which have defined interfaces (import this module, call this function with these arguments) which make it easier for people to use our code.

We've used functions to package up code which does things but as you saw when moving the code into the morse module, there's also code in there which doesn't exist to be called by a user but is rather just creating data which is used by the functions. The two are logically linked (the function won't work without the data and the data isn't useful without the functions).

Python has a feature which allows us to combine code and data together into a single object which contains everything it needs to do anything we ask of it, these are classes. Classes are a way of creating a "template" which is then used to create objects which you can interact with.

With functions we were giving names to actions (or verbs) but with classes we can give names to concepts.

Image that we want to write some code to represent our pet dog, Spot. The dog has a name and a colour. Based on the tools we know so far, we might represent this as a dictionary:

In [1]:
our_dog = {"name": "Spot", "colour": "brown"}

The problem with a dictionary, however, is that if you're passing it to a function you have to be very careful to ensure that it has all the keys correctly set that the function expects. For example, if there were a function describe which looks like:

In [2]:
def describe(dog):
    return f"{dog['name']} is {dog['colour']}"

Spot is brown

then you would need to ensure that any data that was passed to it had the keys "name" and "colour". If they were missing you would get an error when you ran the code.

We can use classes to create a new type of data which represent all dogs and we can ensure that all data of this type always have the name and colour attributes.

Starting our class

We would represent this as a class with:

In [3]:
class Dog:
    def __init__(self, name, colour): = name
        self.colour = colour

This has created a new data type called Dog which we can create instances of with:

In [4]:
our_dog = Dog("Spot", "brown")

We can ask for information from that instance using the dot syntax:

In [5]:

Dog and our_dog are different kind of thing. Dog is called a class and can be seen as a template for creating dog objects. our_dog is one such object.

You can make multiple objects from a class, for example we can make a second dog, Fido with:

In [6]:
other_dog = Dog("Fido", "grey")

and get information about that dog with the same attribute names on the new object:

In [7]:

This means that we can tweak our describe function to accept a Dog object and we can trust that it will always work. no matter which Dog we pass to it:

In [8]:
def describe(dog):
    return f"{} is {dog.colour}"

Spot is brown

What is __init__?

__init__ is a function. It is a special function and is sometimes called the constructor or initialiser. It must be present in all classes, and constructors are used in all object orientated programming languages.

The job of the constructor is to set up the initial state of an object. In this case, you can see that the constructor creates two variables:

  • name which will hold the name of the dog
  • and colour which will hold a string describing the colour of the dog.

Note that the variables are defined as attached to self, via the full stop, e.g. self is a special variable that is only available within the functions of the class and provides access to the current object that we are talking about. There is a full explanation of how self works below.

__init__ is called automatically when an object of that class is created. In our case, when we call Dog(...) it will call __init__ for us.

The first time we called our_dog = Dog("Spot", "brown"), self was referring at the object we were putting at our_dog so is referring to the same thing as The second time we called it it was referring to the object at other_dog.

Note that while self is written in the function definition as if it were a parameter of __init__, we don’t need to pass it ourselves. self is passed implicitly by Python when we construct an object of the class.

Class functions

At the moment, Dog isn't giving us any real benefit above using a dictionary. It's still just a container for data. One of the benefits of classes is being able to combine data and functionality in one place.

Making Dog as a class means that we can trust that if we pass a Dog to describe that it will definitely work but this has left us in a position where our data and functions are separate and we have to remember that describe takes a Dog object as its argument.

We can solve this by enforcing that the describe function can only ever be called on a Dog object by moving the function inside the class.

To move this function so that it is a part of the class we do two things:

  1. move the lines of code into the class, indenting it appropriately
  2. replace dog with self

this give us:

In [9]:
class Dog:
    def __init__(self, name, colour): = name
        self.colour = colour
    def describe(self):
        return f"{} is {self.colour}"

Since we have changed the code defining what a Dog is, we need to recreate our objects so that they know about the changes:

In [10]:
our_dog = Dog("Spot", "brown")
other_dog = Dog("Fido", "grey")

We can now call the describe function on each Dog object using the dot syntax:

In [11]:
Spot is brown
In [12]:
Fido is grey

When a function has been moved inside a class like this, it is sometimes referred to as a method but I use both terms.

There is now no way to call this function (or method) on any object which is not a Dog.

Adding variable state

Having the bare facts about the dog is useful but we want to be able to make it a living, breathing thing. Let's introduce the concept of "energy" for the dog. It will be a number which increases when we feed it and decreases when we exercise it.

Previously we added all object attributes as arguments to __init__ and then assigned them to self with =. It is perfectly possible to set object attributes statically, without having them depend on the arguments that were passed in.

For example, we want our dog to have energy as an attribute. Let's decide that by default, all Dogs have an energy of 1 when they are first created. We can assign the variable in __init__:

In [13]:
class Dog:
    def __init__(self, name, colour): = name
        self.colour = colour = 1  # This is the only new line
    def describe(self):
        return f"{} is {self.colour}"

Now that we have energy as an attribute we can go ahead and write a function which uses it. We want our dog to be able to take our dog for a walk which will use up energy. We add another method to the class called exercise:

In [14]:
class Dog:
    def __init__(self, name, colour): = name
        self.colour = colour = 1

    def describe(self):
        return f"{} is {self.colour}"
    def exercise(self):
        print(f"You take {} for a walk") -= 1

See that in the exercise function we are accessing the energy with

We can test that this is working by recreating our dog instance and seeing how calling exercise affects the dog's energy:

In [15]:
our_dog = Dog("Spot", "brown")
other_dog = Dog("Fido", "grey")
In [16]:
In [17]:
You take Spot for a walk
In [18]:

After calling the exercise function, we can see that Spot's energy has reduced by one.

But note that Fido's energy has not been affected:

In [19]:

Let's complete the story by also implementing a function which we can use to feed our dog to give it energy:

In [20]:
class Dog:
    def __init__(self, name, colour): = name
        self.colour = colour = 1
    def describe(self):
        return f"{} is {self.colour}"
    def exercise(self):
        print(f"You take {} for a walk") -= 1
    def feed(self):
        print(f"{} eats the food") += 1

About self

The existence and purpose of the self parameter in Python classes is often the most confusing thing when learning about them. To get to the point of seeing why it works the way it does, there's a few things to clarify.

The code that we write that defines our class can be thought of as a template which will be used to create by every instance (object) of that class. This means that any code we write in there has to work and make sense for all objects that were made from the template. The functions we define in there therefore also need to be generic and work on all objects made from the class. The code we write must work as well for Spot as it does for Fido as well as for any other Dogs that may be created in the future.

If a function is generic, how can it know that at one point in your program it's being called on object A and and some later time being called on object B? We do this by accepting to the function, as an parameter, the object that we're calling it on. It is this that self is referring to.

To show this in action, let's walk through an example:

We can construct as many instances (objects) of a class as we want, and each will have its own self and its own set of attributes:

In [21]:
our_dog = Dog("Spot", "brown")
other_dog = Dog("Fido", "grey")

If we describe our_dog we get:

In [22]:
'Spot is brown'

but calling the same function on the other dog gives us a different result:

In [23]:
'Fido is grey'

Let's go thorough that more slowly and see what self is doing along the way.

First we called the Dog class like a function, passing it two arguments and assigned it to the variable our_dog:

our_dog = Dog("Spot", "brown")

When you call a class like this, it makes a new object from the template and automtically calls the __init__ function behind the scenes. As we saw before, our __init__ has three parameters, self, name and colour. Python, when calling __init__ will automatically pass in our object (our_dog in this case) as the first argument and so inside the function, self is referring to our_dog, our newly created object.

Therefore, we can imagine that our function which looks like:

def __init__(self, name, colour): = name
    self.colour = colour = 1

is being treated like:

self = our_dog
name = "Spot"
colour = "brown" = name
self.colour = colour = 1

and so here, = name is effectively doing = "Spot".

The same thing happens when we create other_dog with:

other_dog = Dog("Fido", "grey")

We now know that due to the __init__ function operating on self, we now have two dogs where is "Spot" and is "Fido".

Now that both of our objects have been fully created, we're ready to start interacting with them by calling some functions.

When we call the describe function, a similar process occurs:


Since the our_dog object was made from the Dog class, our_dog.describe is referring to the describe function inside that class:

class Dog:
    def describe(self):
        return f"{} is {self.colour}"

and so


it is effectively doing


and passing whatever object the describe function was called on as the first argument. Again, inside the function this is called self so when we do

f"{} is {self.colour}"

it is essentially doing

f"{} is {our_dog.colour}"

To summarise, the self parameter in class functions points at the object that the function was called on. The programmer calling the function does not pass the argument explicitly, it is done automatically by Python. This allows you to store data in one function (e.g. in __init__ doing = name) and use it in another (e.g. in describe doing f"{} is {self.colour}").

Data classes

Python 3.7 (release June 2018) introduced a new feature called data classes which aim to simplify the common tasks of creating classes. If you can rely on having this version or newer of Python available then consider looking into using data classes.


In the morse module, write a class called Message which we will use to hold a message in either English or Morse code. To start you off, here is the skeleton of some of the structure with ... where you will need to write some more code:

class Message:
    def __init__(...):

    def as_morse(self):
        if self.is_morse:

    def ...
  1. The __init__ should take one argument, message, which should be saved onto self like we did with colour in the Dog example.
  2. Add an if/else statement in __init__ to check whether the passed message is a Morse message using "." in message or "-" in message. Use this to save a attribute onto self called is_morse which should be True if the message is in Morse code and False if it is in English.
  3. Add two class functions: as_morse and as_english. as_morse should return the saved message directly if it was passed in to __init__ in Morse code or use the decode function to decode it otherwise. as_english should do the converse.

When you have finished, test that the Morse code produced by your class is correctly translated back to English. Edit to read:

from morse import Message

# Convert English to Morse
my_message = Message("hello world")
morse_string = my_message.as_morse()

# Convert it back again
incoming_message = Message(morse_string)
decoded_string = incoming_message.as_english()

print(decoded_string == "hello world")

When run, it should print True, showing that your Message class can encode and decode the message.

Feel free to look at the answer to guide you.


You may have noticed a few different styles of naming used for things so far. We've been calling our data variables things like letter_to_morse while our class was called Message. The first style with all lower case letter and underscores to separate words is known as snake case and the style with upper case letters at the start of words but no spaces between them is known as camel case.

Python has a document called PEP-8 which contains suggestions on how to format and name your code and it suggests:

  • variables: snake case like letter_to_morse or message
  • functions: snake case like encode or add_arrays
  • modules: snake case like morse or arrays
  • classes: camel case like Message or Dog

These are just suggestions and while they are followed by the majority of Python projects, if you are contributing to an existing Python project then you should follow their internal code style.